Saturday, 7 January 2012

Going Gaga over 2012!

Happy New Year to all the Meko followers! Or should I call you all my 'Little Meko Monsters'! That's probably a bit Lady Gaga though rather than Madam Meko, isn't it!? Perhaps my 'Little Madams' would be more fitting for our followers!

Our first blog of the year for 2012 and there is lots to share. Matt and I enjoyed some much deserved time off over the festive period, but not first before putting in a bit of hard slog at the end of December doing the prep for our much anticipated photo shoot for our upcoming website. Engaging the services of the very talented Dani from Spit and Giggle, we spent a fun afternoon photographing all the wonderful creations that define Meko! We both had a ball creating this set up, but it was our New Years Eve guests that enjoyed it the most with the taste test of all the goodies!

Here is a little sneaky peak of what we created, mind you these are only my shots and they don't have a patch on what Dani took for us! We can't wait to see her proofs and will be sure to share them with you all in due course.

We are so excited about what 2012 will bring for us with party bookings and cake orders already coming in thick and fast. Most of all we look forward to sharing it all with you, our 'Little Madam' followers.


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