Saturday, 13 October 2012

Some spooky inspiration!

It's just over two weeks now until Halloween! And although we don't really celebrate it here in Australia, you wouldn't know it.......every store I have gone in to these past two weeks the shelves have been over flowing with Halloween decorations and goodies (that and Christmas decorations.....hmmmm little early I think!) But you can take it from me there is some really fun decorations out there, Big W and Spotlight have been the stand out stores for me but why not start adventuring through all the $2 shops to see what fun things you can find? Get in to the spirit this year and perhaps throw your own spooky Halloween party or at least decorate the house and cosy up on the couch with a scary movie and some yummy Halloween treats. Or rather than give out the traditional lollies for the trick or treaters, why not make some of your own spooky treats?! There are plenty of printables available on etsy, so why not make this occasion a little bit special and little bit spooky!
I've been sprawling through blogs of late looking for my own inspiration and thought I would share some of these amazing Halloween parties and treat ideas I have found. Hope it ignites some inspiration in you too.
Enjoy x
Image courtesty of Amy Atlas
Halloween Glam Collection by The TomKat Studio

Halloween Dessert Table by Amy Atlas
Halloween Party Collection by Bird's Party
"Spook-a-licious" printables by Sweet Scarlet
Pink Oven Cakes & Cookies

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