Sunday, 3 February 2013

What's party trending for 2013?!

So we are one month in to 2013 already, can you believe it?! And as always all the predictions are in full swing as to what's in and what's out in the fashion world for this year. Apparently the colour emerald is in and colour blocking is out. And the same rules apply in a way to parties. I'm not saying go and theme all your parties in emerald green, but there is definitely some 'ins' and some 'outs' each year in the party world that we should pay attention to. I've been doing a bit of research on this topic to see what others are predicting in the party space, and to be honest there isn't a great deal out there. So I'm going to lead the way and call it instead! So here it is......these are my top 6 predictions for what's in this year for parties!

1. Neutral colour palettes are in and bold colours are out!
Bold colours were very in last year, even from a fashion sense, but this year think more minimalist, soft greys, beige's, whites and even metallics. 

2. DIY Dessert Stations are in and Cake Pops are out!
Anyone else over cake pops? They have been done to death! Don't get be wrong, I still love them but there is more to kids parties than just cake pops! This year it will be all about the DIY stations - think donut bars, sundae bars and even pancake or hot chocolate bars! Be creative as you like and let your guests be as creative as they like too!

 3. Pop Corn Bars are in and Lolly Bars are out!
According to Catersource Magazine, a leading party planning resource, this year the Lolly or Candy Bar will have a face lift and the prediction is that Pop Corn Bars will lead the way! What could be more yum than flavouring your own popcorn with hot caramel, melted chocolate or even cinnamon sugar?!

4. Make Your Own Street Food is in and Sit Down Dinners are out!
Following on from the DIY dessert bars, 2013 will really be the year of making your own, even for the  main course! Guests will create their own gourmet hot dogs, pizzas, burgers and even assemble a taco at a self service taco station. Parties will trend towards being more stand up functions and cocktail parties. Sitting down and having your meal brought to you will be a thing of the past. It's all about guest-food interactivity. 

5. Whoopie Pies are in and Macarons are out!
Sorry Zumbo but Macarons have been done to death! It's time for an upgrade to Whoopie Pies.......yum!

6. Tassels & Garlands are in and Buntings are out!
Buntings are cute but it's time for an upgrade. There are so many fun tassels and garlands available on etsy right now made with strips of ribbon, fabric and paper. Or why not be creative and make your own!

All images courtesy of Pinterest. Please visit my Pinterest board for full image credits. 

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