Sunday, 30 October 2011

Lorne: Nothing short of shabby

With a couple of days of R&R down in Lorne for the long weekend, we could not go past popping into The Bottle of Milk for one of Victoria's best burgers. That's a big claim to fame I know, but these are just the bees knees, but of course with the price tag to go with it! At $14 a pop, they're worth every penny. I don't even eat meat, but seem to make the exception for one of these at any cost.

The Bottle of Milk Classic Cheese Burger....Yum!

I have been coming to Lorne since I was a teenager and over the last fifteen years it would seem to have become one of the most vintage and shabby chic places around, especially when it comes to food. Where once the best thing you could get in Lorne was a chicken and avacado toastie from Kafe Kaos (before it turned uber trendy), now you are spoilt for choice with an array of new (but vintage) cafes and eateries, all rocking old school coffee machines and 1970's vinyl furniture.

The fashion and home wares stores seem to have caught on too, some with better finds in them than what you'd find in Melbourne. Where once upon a time the most vintage store in Lorne was the Lorne Opportunity Shop (which is still there mind you), you now have your pick of designer vintage clothing stores, rustic jewelery and shabby chic home ware and gifts. With the calibre of women visitors to this surf town, any of these business owners would be sitting on a gold mine selling this stuff. My favourite finds yesterday being at Vic & Bert, with their vintage laundry pales, old medicine bottles, shabby British flags and  original glass laundry jars (if only I was having a vintage laundry party for a bunch of British doctors!). We did however find an original French bakers bread board that we love love love!

But with the weather not being so great, we decided to dedicate these few days to working on the business making it our own little 'company getaway'. With our heads buried in spreadsheets, costings, menus and lolly bar sketches we have at least managed to get out and pick up some great vintage props for our business in some of these fab home wares stores (although I am still looking for an original gum ball machine for a circus party if anyone can help?!). Perhaps we should consider doing these getaways more frequently, if only to claim them as business trips at tax time! Hmmm, something to consider..........
 Happy Cup Day everyone!

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