Saturday, 5 November 2011

This little piggy went to market......

So instead of going to the gym this morning (which this piggy needed to do more than ever!) we opted for an early start, braving the hoards of people (from all walks of life I might add!) at the Camberwell Rotary Markets. Mind you I did seem to fit right in today even copping the odd stare or two after fronting up to the markets with a face free of make up and a head full of unwashed hair! Now the markets are only open till just after midday on Sunday and considering the time it takes me to get ready in the morning I felt this was the best option if we were going to try and pick up some bargains. Although after today’s visit I do use the word ‘bargain’ loosely feeling most vendors sporting the most wanted vintage items were trying to get away with highway robbery with their asking prices. Now I have definitely done my research when it comes to certain vintage party ware and glassware and was horrified to have some prices revealed to me on larger items that were upward of $250! Seriously, if you want that sort of cash for your trash you should be putting it on eBay, or better still just open a shop. You’re kidding yourself if you think that market goers would be carrying around that sort of cash in their pockets, most expecting to pick up items for $1 and $2. Take it from me, after hosting a garage sale not long ago, most visitors came armed with a pocket full of change to get rid of. But don’t get me wrong, we did manage to come home with a couple of bargains to add to our party ware collection.

We just loved this candy bowl that we picked up for the low low price of just $6! It will be the perfect addition to our next lolly bar. But we didn’t stop there, also finding these uber cool original Kraft wooden crates. Again the vendor was asking the most ridiculous of price considering wooden crates are so damn popular at the moment, but we managed to barter him down.


Lucky for me we installed some shelving in the studio under our house yesterday, because the way I’m going I may need to move into a bigger home just to house all these goodies I’m finding!

Now this piggy is off to bake some biscuits, so enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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